exploit the guidelines and demonstrate your own creative style.

12 Interesting Ideas For Development Dissertation Topics

The following provides various details and ideas to help you think of interesting development dissertation topics. As well as specific examples, you will find some advice at the beginning of this article to help you to think of topics of your own.

  • Decide whether you want to focus on a country, a specific area of development, or any other topic
  • When writing about development issues around the world, you may wish to consider writing about a specific country and how it has developed over a period of time or, alternatively, you may wish to choose to write about an actual measurement of development, such as Internet access, the number of cars per capita, or any other measure of development within a society. Alternatively, you may choose to write on a completely different topic altogether.

    Try and focus on something that is of most interest to you, as well as something that you think you will be able to research successfully, and then write about to a high standard.

  • Use verifiable and reliable sources for any references that you make
  • Ensure that any topics that you do choose to write about can be backed up with verifiable and reliable sources. By using references that aren’t necessarily accurate, it can detract from the value of the essay that you write.

  • Read online articles and sample papers for further ideas and inspiration
  • Finally, it can be a good idea to gain extra inspiration by reading online articles and reading prewritten papers related to the topic of development.

Alternatively, for some extra inspiration, feel free to look at the topic ideas listed below:

  1. An in depth study into the effects a major natural disaster had on the development of an affected country
  2. The role of mobile telephones in improving communications in developing countries
  3. The advantages and disadvantages of China’s rapid development in recent years
  4. Who loses out when countries develop at a fast pace?
  5. An analysis of the development in South Korea’s technology sector since the late 20th Century
  6. How effective is the foreign aid sent to developing countries?
  7. What impact has the AIDS epidemic had on the development of African countries?
  8. How have farming techniques changed in the developing world in the 21st Century?
  9. An analysis of the availability of the Internet in developing countries around the world
  10. An in depth study into transport in a developing country
  11. A comparison of two newly developed countries
  12. How do governments spend money in developing countries

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