exploit the guidelines and demonstrate your own creative style.

Creating A Top-Quality Doctoral Thesis On German Medieval Poetry

You have chosen a very unique topic for your doctoral thesis and are looking for top hints. German medieval poetry is a very specialized topic; make sure you have narrowed it down enough that you can thoroughly cover each facet of the topic. As you begin the research phase you will quickly discover whether you need to narrow or broaden your topic, and especially as you create your thesis sentence.

Start with a great thesis statement

The thesis sentence is the one part of a doctoral paper that causes the most anxiety to most students. There is good reason for this. This one sentence in your entire paper has the potential to control the direction of the paper, assert the point you are trying to make, and structure the argument. A paper without a strong statement or claim just seems unfocused.

Creating your outline

Believe it or not, the outline is an essential tool in writing a great paper. Don’t think that it’s just wasted time and extra effort. In reality it will end up saving you time as well as keeping you on the right track when it comes to writing. It will help you arrange your ideas in a formal pattern yet give you flexibility to move them around into a different order if it seems more logical.

It also helps you to see the big picture. It helps you avoid becoming overwhelmed at the sheer amount of work that needs to be done. Instead of getting bogged down in the details, you can see the main points laid out in the outline. As you look over them, you may have ideas about something that’s missing or needs more attention. Are there gaps? Do you need to do some more research?

Writing your top quality paper

The outline should be divided into sections, which are divided into paragraphs. It’s like a template of your entire paper. Under each heading should be some details letting you know what discussions and data to include. You should also have each source referenced properly so you can quickly look them up as you write. Use the outline as your roadmap. It tells you the next thing you need to write.

Write the first draft of your paper freely. Don’t stop to correct anything. Using your outline as a guide, start with one section at a time and write all the paragraphs. After you have completed each section, you should leave it alone for a few days. Come back to it later and proofread it before writing your final draft.

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