exploit the guidelines and demonstrate your own creative style.

The Top 25 Best MBA Dissertation Topics In Biology

MBA Biology dissertation topics are among the most stressful assignments of any student’s career. It’s because they need to mount-up everything in their mind and organize the data well they have learned in the course of their life. For them, this dissertation creates most painful moments as it is their first published paper of life.

If you are looking for unique Biology topics, take enough time for selecting the topic and write an outline. A well written dissertation means that you have selected the topic carefully collecting informative content inspiring your audience.

Check the list -

  1. How genetics play a vital role in obesity? Carry a research on varied types of genes and discuss their consequence on obesity. What impact it leaves on future generations?
  2. How abortions impinges future generations? Discuss physical stress created on the delicate creature as a result of abortions.
  3. What types of genes are accountable for homosexuality, heterosexuality and bisexuality?
  4. Can Ebola be used as a biological weapon? What could be its future repercussions?
  5. What are the after-effects of alternative medicines?
  6. What is the relation between vaccine and infants autism?
  7. How effective menstruation controlled pills are? What are their after effects when lady is trying to conceive?
  8. Discuss the impacts of various activities carried by humans on triggering cancerous growth? How it has impacted genetic mutations?
  9. How humans evolved?
  10. Write a dissertation on genetic diseases- “Down syndrome” or “Sickle Cell Anemia”.
  11. Why Meningitis is still a puzzle?
  12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of nanotechnology? How it affects lives.
  13. Discuss the scientific ways to deal with various types of phobias? How phobias are related with the depths of human brains.
  14. How sleep cures most of the health ailments? What is sleeping disorder? How they can be prevented?
  15. How drought has left devastating effect on Malus Domestic and Malus Domestica Dabinett?
  16. What is reciprocal altruism? How domestication of dogs has affected humans in this context?
  17. Discuss long term behavioral impact of mephedrone on rabbits? Discuss it in context of sympathomimetic toxic drug.
  18. How ion channels mutation contributes towards neuro-degeneration?
  19. How hirsutism treatment affects polycystic ovary syndrome?
  20. How maternal diet contributes to early childhood obesity?
  21. Can cell niches reduce excessive stem cell proliferation? If yes, how?
  22. How community structure assists forests in Australian Ecklonia?
  23. What is the consequence of sewage outlet in context of coral health?
  24. Critically evaluate a few methods employed for treating cancer patients.
  25. Throw a light on predation challenges regarding pigeon racing in North Eastern zone of England.

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