exploit the guidelines and demonstrate your own creative style.

Useful Tips On Writing A Doctoral Dissertation In Marketing

What is a marketing doctoral dissertation?

  • This type of dissertation is normally done by a graduate student getting their Masters or Ph.D. in business administration, business, and marketing.
  • The marketing dissertation will focus on some major concept or term in marketing or business.
  • The marketing doctoral thesis should be on a topic with which the graduate student is familiar.
  • The best doctoral thesis in business or marketing normally discusses the latest trends in the business world.

How to write a marketing doctoral thesis paper?

  • Step 1: The thesis research paper should follow the basic structure of a regular dissertation.
  • Step 2: The title page should include the following information:
    1. Title
    2. Student’s Name
    3. Reason for the submission
    4. University Name
    5. Department Name
    6. Professor’s Name
    7. Date completed.
  • Step 3: Need an acknowledgment that lists the individuals that assisted the graduate student with writing the paper.
  • Step 4: The Abstract (Introduction to the research paper) will include the following information:
    1. Main topic background information.
    2. The main purpose of the study.
    3. The research study methods that were used.
    4. Summary of the results of the study.
  • Step 5: The Table of Contents will let the reader know the page numbers of the main parts of the research paper.
  • Step 6: The literature review gives a review and summary of all published work used in the dissertation for marketing.
  • Step 7: The methodology gives information on how the study will be conducted.
  • Step 8: The results gives an evaluation and analysis of the studies and tests conducted. In this section, the student should never give their personal opinion.
  • Step 9: The discussion section of the paper will evaluate the findings of the studies and tests. Also, the student will answer the thesis question.
  • Step 10: The recommendation section is where the graduate student will give some additional information as to how the thesis question can be answered or resolved further.
  • Step 11: The bibliography section will list all sources and resources used to complete the research paper.
  • Step 12: The appendices will include all unpublished sources, charts, graphs, surveys, questionnaires, results of the tests done, results of the studies done, and statistical results.

Here are some good topics to consider for a marketing doctoral dissertation:

  • How is customer loyalty affected by product quality regarding touch products that are high and low?
  • How can product availability affect brand imaging?
  • How are retailers able to keep up with appealing to the consumers’ ever-changing tastes in fashion styles?
  • How can innovation sustain brands?

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