exploit the guidelines and demonstrate your own creative style.

MLA Dissertation Citation Rules: Important Things To Remember

When writing in an MLA style, referring to the work of others is done by providing the relevant source information following a paraphrase or a quote from the essay. The MLA style is widely used in a great number of academic journals. When students research information for any dissertation, the information should be cited in an MLA-style bibliography. In this regard, it’s always worth doing your homework when it comes to citing source information.

It’s important that students familiarize themselves with how information should be recorded; students could look to start setting out information on similar projects throughout the term. It also teaches an important life skill that can be used to further your career, whether you’re part of a corporation or simply a freelance worker.

List the Authors Full Name

  • Ensure the author’s full name is used, and do not use initials.
  • The name should be listed using the following example: James, David Seymour

Ensure You Follow the Author’s Name with the Source Material Title

When citing the title of the source information, ensure italics are used in the dissertation.

Denote the Type of Thesis Being Cited

  • If you are citing information for a master of the art thesis, use MA thesis.
  • If information being cited relates to the masters of sciences theses, then use MS thesis.
  • Those who are completing doctoral dissertations should use Diss when citing information.

List the School and Other Relevant Information

  • When listing the school, the location, and the year the thesis was accepted need to be included.
  • Ensure that all punctuation is correct when citing sources.

Ensure the Quality of the Dissertation Is Satisfactory

  • Any students printing out their work need to ensure that that their printer is providing black letters that are consistent.
  • Margins are another important factor to take into account when printing out relevant papers. They should be consistent, so ensure any settings are in place before you start to print off your dissertation.

As well as the above information, you should also employ some self-discipline when creating your dissertation, so it’s not taking up more of your time in the future. As well as ensuring that all the information is cited correctly and looks presentable, it also has to be readable. Typefaces between 10 and 12 points are used when preparing your work, although a font at 10 points can be difficult to read for some.

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